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Bracken's Brown Beauty Southern Magnolia

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Once a monthFull sunDeer resistantSpring
  • Fragrant White Blooms: The Bracken's Brown Beauty produces large, intoxicatingly fragrant white flowers, making it a sensory delight in any garden setting.
  • Attractive Foliage: Its lush green leaves with characteristic brown undersides provide a unique and elegant appearance throughout the year.
  • Compact Growth Habit: More compact than other Southern Magnolias, this variety is suitable for a wider range of garden sizes and urban landscapes.

More Details

The Bracken's Brown Beauty Southern Magnolia, scientifically known as Magnolia grandiflora 'Bracken's Brown Beauty', is a majestic evergreen tree celebrated for its glossy green leaves with velvety brown undersides and large, fragrant white flowers. This variety of Southern Magnolia is a standout for its compact and pyramidal growth habit, making it an excellent choice for both small and large landscapes. Ideal for creating a focal point in gardens, it offers year-round beauty and is particularly noted for its stunning and aromatic blooms that appear in late spring and summer.

Growth rate: Reaches a height of 30–50 feet and a spread of around 15-20 feet at maturity.

Please note: Images on our website depict plants and trees at full maturity to showcase their expected grown characteristics. These images are illustrative examples only and do not represent the size of plants or trees upon delivery.

Pruning: Prune in late winter or early spring before new growth appears, removing any damaged, dead, or diseased branches.

Fertilization: Fertilize in early spring with a slow-release fertilizer formulated for acid-loving plants.

Winter Protection: Protect from harsh winter winds and extreme temperature fluctuations by adding a layer of mulch around the base of the tree and wrapping the trunk with a tree wrap

Select a location with well-draining, acidic soil and adequate sunlight. Dig a hole twice as wide and just as deep as the root ball. Place the tree in the hole, backfill with soil, and water thoroughly. Ensure it is planted at the same depth it was in the container. Water regularly, particularly during dry spells, to establish a healthy root system.

The Bracken's Brown Beauty Southern Magnolia requires consistent moisture, especially in its early years to establish a strong root system. It thrives in both full sun and partial shade, making it adaptable to different lighting conditions in the garden.

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Zones 7-9

Magnolia grandiflora 'Bracken's Brown Beauty', is hardy in USDA Zones 7-9. It can tolerate temperatures down to 0°F (-18°C).

Frequently Asked Questions

Bracken's Brown Beauty Magnolia typically grows to a mature height of about 30 to 50 feet and has a spread of about 15 to 30 feet. This evergreen tree is known for its compact and pyramidal growth habit, making it slightly smaller and more manageable than the species' typical varieties. It's popular for its large, fragrant white flowers and glossy green leaves with a distinctive brown underside.

When planting Bracken's Brown Beauty Magnolia, it's important to consider the tree's mature size for proper spacing. This variety can reach a width of 15 to 30 feet at maturity. Therefore, you should plant these trees at least 20 to 30 feet apart from each other. This spacing ensures that as the trees grow, they have enough room to develop fully without overcrowding, which can lead to issues with light access, air circulation, and nutrient competition. Additionally, if planting near structures or other trees, consider the mature spread to avoid future space conflicts.

Bracken's Brown Beauty Magnolia and Little Gem Magnolia are both cultivars of Southern Magnolia, but they have some distinct differences:

Size: One of the main differences is their size.
Bracken's Brown Beauty can grow to about 30 to 50 feet in height and 15 to 30 feet in width.
Little Gem is smaller, reaching about 20 to 25 feet in height and 10 to 15 feet in width. This makes Little Gem more suitable for smaller landscapes or spaces.

Growth Habit:
Bracken's Brown Beauty typically has a more pyramidal shape.
Little Gem has a more compact and upright growth, which is one reason why it's favored for smaller spaces or as a specimen plant.

Leaf Size and Color:
Both have glossy green leaves with a brownish underside, but the leaves of Little Gem are slightly smaller and the brown underside is less pronounced.

Flower Size:
Both produce large, fragrant white flowers, but the flowers of Little Gem are smaller compared to those of Bracken's Brown Beauty.

Growth Rate:
Both have a moderate growth rate, but Little Gem may grow a bit slower due to its smaller mature size.

In summary, while both are beautiful evergreen trees with similar characteristics, the choice between them often comes down to the size and space available in your landscape, as well as the desired growth habit and appearance.

Bracken's Brown Beauty Magnolia has a moderate growth rate. It typically grows at a rate of about 12 to 24 inches per year under optimal growing conditions. However, the exact growth rate can vary depending on factors such as soil quality, climate, and care. With proper care and maintenance, this magnolia cultivar can reach its mature height of 30 to 50 feet in several years.

Bracken's Brown Beauty Magnolia typically starts to bloom when it reaches maturity, which can take several years. It generally begins to produce its beautiful, fragrant white flowers once it has established a strong root system and has reached a height of around 15 to 20 feet, which can take anywhere from 5 to 10 years or more, depending on growing conditions and care. Once it begins to bloom, it continues to produce flowers throughout the summer, adding beauty and fragrance to your landscape.

The best time to plant Bracken's Brown Beauty Magnolia is typically in the early spring or late summer to early fall. Planting during these seasons allows the tree to establish its roots before extreme weather conditions like winter cold or summer heat. Here are the key points:

Spring: Planting in early spring when the soil has thawed but before new growth begins is a favorable time. This allows the magnolia to take advantage of the growing season.

Late Summer to Early Fall: Planting in late summer to early fall, when temperatures are cooler and there's still sufficient time for root establishment before winter, is also a good option.

It's important to choose a location with well-draining soil and provide proper care to ensure the magnolia's successful growth and establishment.

You can plant Bracken's Brown Beauty Magnolia in a sunny to partially shaded location. Here are some key considerations:

Sunlight: This magnolia tree thrives in full to partial sunlight. It should receive at least 6 hours of direct sunlight daily for optimal growth and flowering.

Soil: Choose a well-draining soil that is rich in organic matter. Magnolias prefer slightly acidic to neutral soil conditions.

Space: Ensure there is enough space for the tree to reach its mature size, which can be around 15 to 20 feet in height and spread. Plant it away from buildings, structures, and other trees to allow it room to grow.

Landscape: Bracken's Brown Beauty Magnolia can be a beautiful addition to landscapes, gardens, or as a specimen tree. Consider its size and shape when planning your garden layout.

By selecting an appropriate location and providing proper care, you can enjoy the beauty of this magnolia tree in your outdoor space.

Pruning Bracken's Brown Beauty Magnolia should be done with care to maintain its natural shape and promote healthy growth. Here are some simple pruning tips:

Timing: The best time to prune this magnolia is during late winter or early spring before new growth begins. Avoid pruning in late summer or fall as it may remove potential flower buds.

Dead or Diseased Branches: Start by removing any dead or diseased branches. Cut them back to the main stem or a healthy lateral branch.

Shaping: To maintain the tree's shape, selectively prune branches that are crossing, rubbing, or growing in undesirable directions. Make cuts just above a bud or lateral branch.

Size Control: If your magnolia is becoming too large for its space, you can reduce its size by cutting back branches selectively. Avoid over-pruning, as magnolias do not respond well to heavy pruning.

Minimal Pruning: Magnolias generally require minimal pruning. Over-pruning can stress the tree and affect flowering.

Pruning Tools: Use sharp, clean pruning shears or loppers to make clean cuts. Disinfect your tools before and after pruning to prevent the spread of diseases.

Fertilization: After pruning, consider providing your magnolia with balanced fertilizer to support new growth.

Remember that magnolias have a natural, attractive form, and pruning should aim to enhance their beauty while preserving their health. If you're unsure about pruning, it's a good idea to consult with a local arborist or garden expert for guidance.

When the leaves of your Bracken's Brown Beauty Magnolia turn brown, it can be an indication of various issues. Here's what to do:

Watering: Check the soil moisture around the tree. Brown leaves can be a sign of both overwatering and underwatering. Ensure that the soil is consistently moist but not waterlogged. Adjust your watering schedule accordingly.

Mulching: Apply a layer of organic mulch around the base of the tree, but keep it away from the trunk. Mulch helps retain moisture, regulate soil temperature, and prevent water stress.

Fertilization: Magnolias generally don't require heavy fertilization. However, if the leaves are turning brown due to nutrient deficiencies, consider applying a balanced, slow-release fertilizer in the spring. Follow the recommended dosage on the fertilizer label.

Pruning: As mentioned earlier, prune dead or diseased branches to improve the overall health of the tree. Removing deadwood can also improve air circulation and reduce stress on the tree.

Pest and Disease Management: Inspect the leaves for signs of pests or diseases. Common pests for magnolias include scale insects and aphids. If you suspect an infestation or disease, consult a local garden center or arborist for appropriate treatment options.

Environmental Stress: Consider if there have been recent changes in the tree's environment, such as extreme temperatures, drought, or strong winds. Address any environmental stressors that may be affecting the tree.

Consult a Professional: If the issue persists or worsens, it's advisable to consult a local arborist or our Simply Trees horticultural expert. They can provide a more specific diagnosis and recommend tailored solutions for your Bracken's Brown Beauty Magnolia.

Remember that diagnosing the exact cause of browning leaves may require careful examination, so don't hesitate to seek professional advice if needed.

Bracken's Brown Beauty Magnolia can be used as a hedge, but there are a few things to keep in mind:

Spacing: When planting as a hedge, space the magnolia trees at least 4 to 6 feet apart to allow for their mature size. This spacing will give them room to grow without overcrowding.

Pruning: Regular pruning is essential to maintain the hedge shape and size. Prune in late winter or early spring before new growth begins. Trim the branches to shape the hedge as desired.

Maintenance: Magnolias are generally low-maintenance, but they do benefit from occasional fertilization and mulching. Keep the soil consistently moist, especially during dry spells.

As for training a magnolia to climb a lattice:

Select a Young Plant: It's easier to train a young magnolia plant to climb. Choose a healthy young magnolia tree with a strong central stem.

Install a Lattice: Install a lattice or trellis against a wall or support structure where you want the magnolia to climb. Make sure the lattice is securely anchored.

Tie and Train: Gently tie the main stem or branches of the magnolia to the lattice using soft plant ties. As the magnolia grows, continue to tie and train the branches to follow the lattice pattern.

Prune Carefully: Prune the magnolia as needed to maintain the desired shape and size. You may need to trim back branches that are growing away from the lattice.

Support Growth: Magnolias are naturally vigorous climbers, but providing occasional support for heavy branches or flowers can help prevent damage.

Keep in mind that training a magnolia to climb a lattice may take time and patience. Be gentle with the plant to avoid damaging the branches. With proper care and training, your Bracken's Brown Beauty Magnolia can make a beautiful and unique climbing plant.

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We have perfected packaging and shipping plants & trees! That is why we DO NOT use any third-party fulfillment like most other online retailers. Your trees go straight from our farm to your door, safely packaged by our team of seasoned professionals. Our process ensures your plants leave our facility and arrive to your door in the best condition possible!