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Snow-N-Summer Asiatic Jasmine

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Once a weekPartial sunDeer resistant
  • Variegated Foliage: Snow-N-Summer Asiatic Jasmine features striking leaves with a blend of pink, white, and green, creating a colorful display that changes with the seasons.
  • Evergreen Groundcover: This plant provides consistent ground cover with its dense, trailing habit, maintaining its vibrant foliage throughout the year.
  • Low Maintenance: Known for its resilience and minimal care requirements, Snow-N-Summer Asiatic Jasmine is an excellent choice for easy-to-maintain landscapes.

More Details

Snow-N-Summer Asiatic Jasmine, scientifically known as Trachelospermum asiaticum 'HOSNS', is a versatile evergreen groundcover that brings vibrant color and texture to gardens. Its variegated foliage displays a stunning mix of pink, white, and green hues, making it a standout plant for borders, groundcover, and container plantings. This low-maintenance plant is ideal for adding year-round interest and color to a variety of landscape settings.

Growth rate: Moderate growth rate; mature height of 6-12 inches and width of 2-3 feet.

Please note: Images on our website depict plants and trees at full maturity to showcase their expected grown characteristics. These images are illustrative examples only and do not represent the size of plants or trees upon delivery.

Pruning: Trim lightly to maintain shape and control spread. Prune in early spring to encourage fresh, vigorous growth.

Fertilization: Apply a balanced, slow-release fertilizer in early spring to promote healthy growth and vibrant foliage.

Winter Protection: Generally hardy, Snow-N-Summer Asiatic Jasmine requires minimal winter protection. In colder regions, mulch around the base to protect the roots.

Plant in well-drained soil enriched with organic matter. Dig a hole twice as wide and as deep as the root ball. Place the plant in the hole, backfill with soil, and water thoroughly. Space plants 2-3 feet apart to allow for proper air circulation and growth.

Water regularly during the first growing season to establish a deep, extensive root system. Once established, it is moderately drought-tolerant. Snow-N-Summer Asiatic Jasmine prefers full sun to partial shade, thriving in areas with bright, indirect light.

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Zones 7-11

Snow-N-Summer Asiatic Jasmine thrives in USDA grow zones 7-11, where it can adapt to a range of climatic conditions. It performs well in both cooler northern regions and warmer southern areas, making it a versatile choice for different garden settings.

Frequently Asked Questions

Snow-N-Summer Asiatic Jasmine typically grows to a compact size, making it an excellent ground cover and ornamental plant. Here are the specifics about its mature size:

Height: Snow-N-Summer Asiatic Jasmine generally reaches a height of 6 to 12 inches.

Spread: It can spread several feet wide, often covering an area of 2 to 3 feet or more, depending on the growing conditions and care.

Its low-growing, spreading habit makes Snow-N-Summer Asiatic Jasmine ideal for use as ground cover, in borders, and in hanging baskets, providing a lush and colorful addition to gardens and landscapes.

Snow-N-Summer Asiatic Jasmine has a moderate growth rate. Here are some details about its growth:

Annual Growth: On average, Snow-N-Summer Asiatic Jasmine can spread 6 to 12 inches per year, depending on the growing conditions.

Establishment Period: The plant may grow more slowly during its first year as it establishes its root system. Once established, it will grow at a steady pace.

Optimal Conditions: Growth rate can be enhanced by providing optimal conditions, such as well-drained soil, adequate moisture, and appropriate light (partial to full sun). Fertilizing during the growing season can also promote healthier and faster growth.

Mature Size: At maturity, Snow-N-Summer Asiatic Jasmine typically reaches a height of 6 to 12 inches and can spread several feet wide, making it an effective ground cover over time.

By providing the right care and conditions, you can ensure your Snow-N-Summer Asiatic Jasmine grows at its optimal rate, forming a lush and attractive ground cover or ornamental planting.

The best place to plant Snow-N-Summer Asiatic Jasmine is in an environment that meets its specific growing needs. Here are the ideal conditions:

Light: Plant Snow-N-Summer Asiatic Jasmine in a location that receives partial to full sun. It thrives in bright, indirect light to partial shade, but can also tolerate full sun. However, in very hot climates, providing some afternoon shade can help prevent leaf scorch.

Soil: Choose well-draining soil. Snow-N-Summer Asiatic Jasmine can grow in a variety of soil types, including sandy, loamy, or clay soils, as long as there is good drainage to prevent waterlogging and root rot.

Watering: Ensure the planting site has consistent moisture but does not stay soggy. This plant prefers evenly moist soil, especially during the establishment period, but can tolerate some drought once established.

Air Circulation: Plant in an area with good air circulation to help prevent fungal diseases and keep the foliage healthy.

Uses: Snow-N-Summer Asiatic Jasmine is versatile and can be used as ground cover, in hanging baskets, along borders, or even in containers. It's particularly effective on slopes or areas where erosion control is needed due to its spreading habit.

Protection from Extreme Cold: In regions with colder winters, choose a sheltered spot to protect the plant from frost and freezing temperatures, or consider growing it in containers that can be moved indoors during winter.

By planting Snow-N-Summer Asiatic Jasmine in these optimal conditions, you can ensure it thrives and adds beautiful variegated foliage to your landscape.

When planting Snow-N-Summer Asiatic Jasmine, proper spacing is crucial to ensure healthy growth and effective coverage. Here are the recommended spacing guidelines:

Distance Between Plants: Space Snow-N-Summer Asiatic Jasmine plants about 18 to 24 inches apart. This spacing allows each plant enough room to grow and spread without overcrowding.

Ground Cover: For use as a ground cover, closer spacing of about 18 inches apart will help create a dense, uniform coverage more quickly.

Borders and Edges: If planting along borders or edges, you can space them slightly farther apart, around 24 inches, to allow for individual plant growth and maintenance.

By following these spacing guidelines, you can ensure that your Snow-N-Summer Asiatic Jasmine plants have enough room to thrive and effectively cover the desired area.

Yes, Snow-N-Summer Asiatic Jasmine is an evergreen plant. This means it retains its foliage throughout the year, providing continuous visual interest in your garden or landscape. The evergreen nature of Snow-N-Summer Asiatic Jasmine makes it an excellent choice for ground cover, borders, and ornamental plantings, as it maintains its attractive variegated leaves year-round.

Yes, Snow-N-Summer Asiatic Jasmine is a perennial plant. This means it will grow and thrive for many years, returning each growing season. Here are some key points about its perennial nature:

Longevity: As a perennial, Snow-N-Summer Asiatic Jasmine will continue to grow year after year, providing long-term beauty and coverage in your garden or landscape.

Evergreen: In addition to being perennial, Snow-N-Summer Asiatic Jasmine is also evergreen, meaning it retains its foliage throughout the year, offering consistent visual interest.

Hardiness Zones: It is hardy in USDA zones 7-11. In these zones, it can tolerate a range of temperatures and continue to grow year-round. In colder zones, it may need protection during the winter.

By planting Snow-N-Summer Asiatic Jasmine, you can enjoy its attractive variegated foliage and low-maintenance nature for many years.

Caring for Snow-N-Summer Asiatic Jasmine involves providing the right conditions and maintenance to ensure healthy growth and vibrant foliage. Here are the essential care tips:

Light: Plant Snow-N-Summer Asiatic Jasmine in a location that receives partial to full sun. It thrives in bright, indirect light to partial shade, but can tolerate a range of light conditions.

Soil: Use well-draining soil. It can grow in a variety of soil types, including sandy, loamy, or clay soils, as long as there is good drainage to prevent waterlogging and root rot.

Watering: Water the plant regularly, keeping the soil consistently moist but not soggy. Allow the top inch of soil to dry out between waterings. Reduce watering during the winter months when the plant's growth slows down.

Fertilizing: Feed Snow-N-Summer Asiatic Jasmine with a balanced, slow-release fertilizer during the growing season (spring and summer) to promote healthy growth and vibrant foliage. Follow the package instructions for application rates.

Mulching: Apply a layer of mulch around the base of the plant to retain soil moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature. Keep the mulch a few inches away from the plant's stem to prevent rot.

Pruning: Prune the plant to maintain its shape and encourage bushier growth. Trim back any leggy or overgrown stems as needed. Pruning can be done in late winter or early spring before new growth begins.

Pest and Disease Control: Snow-N-Summer Asiatic Jasmine is relatively pest and disease resistant. However, keep an eye out for common issues like aphids, scale, and spider mites. Treat infestations with insecticidal soap or neem oil if necessary.

Winter Care: In colder climates, protect the plant from frost and freezing temperatures by covering it with frost cloths or moving it to a sheltered location. In milder climates, it can remain outdoors year-round.

Propagation: Snow-N-Summer Asiatic Jasmine can be propagated by stem cuttings. Take cuttings in the spring or summer, dip them in rooting hormone, and plant them in a well-draining potting mix. Keep the soil moist until roots develop.

By following these care tips, you can ensure that your Snow-N-Summer Asiatic Jasmine remains healthy, with lush foliage and occasional blooms.

Yes, you can plant Snow-N-Summer Asiatic Jasmine in a planter. Here are some tips for successfully growing it in a container:

Container Size: Choose a large enough planter to accommodate the plant's root system and provide room for growth. A container with a diameter of at least 12-18 inches is recommended.

Drainage: Ensure the planter has good drainage holes to prevent waterlogging, which can lead to root rot. If the planter does not have drainage holes, consider drilling some.

Soil: Use a well-draining potting mix, ideally a mix designed for shrubs or general-purpose potting soil with added perlite or sand to improve drainage.

Light: Place the planter in a location that receives partial to full sun. Snow-N-Summer Asiatic Jasmine thrives in bright, indirect light to partial shade.

Watering: Water the plant regularly, keeping the soil consistently moist but not soggy. Allow the top inch of soil to dry out between waterings to prevent overwatering.

Fertilizing: Feed the plant with a balanced, slow-release fertilizer during the growing season (spring and summer) to promote healthy growth and vibrant foliage.

Pruning: Trim back any leggy or overgrown stems to maintain the plant's shape and encourage bushier growth. Pruning can also help control its size in the container.

Winter Care: In colder climates, move the planter indoors or to a sheltered location during the winter to protect the plant from frost and freezing temperatures.

By following these guidelines, you can successfully grow Snow-N-Summer Asiatic Jasmine in a planter and enjoy its beautiful foliage and occasional blooms.

Snow-N-Summer Asiatic Jasmine typically blooms in late spring to early summer. Here are some details about its blooming period:

Bloom Time: The flowers usually appear from late spring through early summer, around May to June, depending on the local climate and growing conditions.

Flower Characteristics: The blooms are small, white, and not particularly fragrant, but they add a delicate charm to the plant's already attractive foliage.

Foliage Interest: While the blooms are a nice addition, Snow-N-Summer Asiatic Jasmine is primarily grown for its striking variegated foliage, which changes color throughout the seasons.

By providing the right conditions and care, you can enjoy the subtle blooms of Snow-N-Summer Asiatic Jasmine alongside its beautiful foliage.

No, Snow-N-Summer Asiatic Jasmine is not known for being fragrant. While it is admired for its attractive variegated foliage, which changes color from white and pink to green as it matures, it does not produce the strong fragrance typically associated with other jasmine varieties. This plant is primarily valued for its visual appeal and versatility as a ground cover, in hanging baskets, or as an ornamental plant in gardens and landscapes.

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We have perfected packaging and shipping plants & trees! That is why we DO NOT use any third-party fulfillment like most other online retailers. Your trees go straight from our farm to your door, safely packaged by our team of seasoned professionals. Our process ensures your plants leave our facility and arrive to your door in the best condition possible!