
Mr. Goldstrike Aucuba

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Twice a monthPartial shadeDeer resistantWinter to spring
  • Shade Lover: This aucuba variety is well-suited for partial to full shade, making it ideal for difficult-to-plant shaded areas.
  • Distinctive Foliage: Features bold, gold-speckled leaves that provide a striking contrast to other garden plants.
  • Low Maintenance: Highly adaptable and resilient, making it a perfect choice for novice gardeners or those looking for easy-care plants.

More Details

Mr. Goldstrike Aucuba, scientifically known as Aucuba japonica 'Mr. Goldstrike', is a striking evergreen shrub that adds an exotic flair to gardens with its bold, golden-speckled foliage. Ideal for shaded areas, this versatile plant is perfect for adding color and texture to various landscapes, from woodland settings to urban gardens. With minimal care, Mr. Goldstrike Aucuba thrives in a variety of conditions, making it an excellent choice for gardeners wanting a low-maintenance but visually stunning focal point in their green spaces.

Growth rate: Moderate growth rate; matures to a height of 4-6 feet and a width of 4-5 feet.

Please note: Images on our website depict plants and trees at full maturity to showcase their expected grown characteristics. These images are illustrative examples only and do not represent the size of plants or trees upon delivery.

Pruning: Light pruning may be performed to maintain shape and encourage denser growth. Cut back any stray branches in late winter or early spring.

Fertilization: Apply a balanced, slow-release fertilizer in the early spring to stimulate healthy growth.

Winter Protection: In colder zones, consider wrapping the plant in burlap or adding a layer of mulch around the base for added winter protection.

Select a site with well-drained soil and partial to full shade. Enrich the planting area with organic compost to improve soil structure and moisture retention. Dig a hole twice the width of the root ball, but no deeper. Place the plant in the hole, ensuring that the top of the root ball is level with the surrounding soil. Fill the hole with soil and water generously to eliminate air pockets. Space plants at least 5-6 feet apart to allow for mature growth. Add a layer of mulch around the base of the plant to help retain moisture and regulate soil temperature.

Mr. Goldstrike Aucuba prefers partial to full shade and thrives in consistently moist, well-drained soil. While the plant is fairly adaptable, ensuring proper shade and regular watering will help maintain its striking golden-speckled foliage and overall health, making it an easy-to-care-for addition to any garden.

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Zones 6-10

Mr. Goldstrike Aucuba is extremely adaptable, performing well in a variety of climates. It is particularly well-suited for zones with mild winters and can tolerate a range of soil types. Given its affinity for shade, this aucuba variety is a perfect candidate for woodland gardens or urban settings with limited sunlight, offering a splash of color where few other plants might thrive.

Frequently Asked Questions

Mr. Goldstrike Aucuba typically grows to a height of about 4 to 6 feet and has a spread of 4 to 5 feet. However, its ultimate size can vary depending on factors such as environmental conditions, care, and maintenance practices. Regular pruning can help control its size and shape, making it suitable for various landscaping purposes.

Mr. Goldstrike Aucuba is considered a slow to moderate grower, typically reaching a height of 4 to 6 feet and a spread of 4 to 5 feet over several years. Growth rates can vary depending on factors such as environmental conditions, soil quality, and pruning practices. Regular watering, proper fertilization, and occasional pruning can help promote healthy growth and enhance the overall appearance of this attractive evergreen shrub.

The best place to plant Mr. Goldstrike Aucuba is in partial to full shade, as it thrives in areas with limited direct sunlight. This versatile evergreen shrub is well-suited for various garden settings, including woodland gardens, shady borders, or as a foundation planting near buildings or fences. Ensure the soil is well-draining and enriched with organic matter to promote healthy growth. Additionally, consider planting it in a location protected from strong winds, as this can help prevent leaf damage and maintain its attractive appearance.

When planting Mr. Goldstrike Aucuba, space individual plants approximately 3 to 4 feet apart. This spacing allows each plant ample room to grow to its mature size while still providing coverage and creating a cohesive appearance in your landscape. However, if you desire a denser screen or hedge, you can space them closer together, but be mindful of their eventual size to prevent overcrowding as they mature.

Caring for Mr. Goldstrike Aucuba involves several key practices:

Light: Plant your Mr. Goldstrike Aucuba in partial to full shade. While it can tolerate some sun, it typically prefers shaded or partially shaded areas.

Watering: Keep the soil consistently moist, but not waterlogged. Aucubas prefer well-draining soil and benefit from regular watering, particularly during dry periods. Avoid letting the soil dry out completely between waterings.

Soil: Plant Mr. Goldstrike Aucuba in fertile, well-draining soil. Amending the soil with organic matter like compost can improve drainage and fertility.

Fertilization: Apply a balanced, slow-release fertilizer in spring to promote healthy growth. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for application rates.

Pruning: Prune Mr. Goldstrike Aucuba as needed to maintain its shape and size. Remove any dead, damaged, or diseased branches throughout the year. You can also prune for shaping purposes in late winter or early spring before new growth begins.

Mulching: Apply a layer of organic mulch around the base of the plant to help retain soil moisture, suppress weeds, and insulate the roots. Keep the mulch several inches away from the stem to prevent rot.

Protection from Winter Cold: In colder climates, provide protection from freezing temperatures, especially for young or newly planted specimens. Mulching around the base and covering the plant with a frost cloth or burlap during extreme cold snaps can help prevent damage.

Pest and Disease Control: Monitor your Aucuba for common pests such as aphids, spider mites, and scale insects. Treat any infestations promptly with insecticidal soap or horticultural oil. Additionally, watch for signs of leaf spot or other fungal diseases, and ensure good air circulation around the plant to minimize the risk.

By following these care guidelines, you can help your Mr. Goldstrike Aucuba thrive and remain healthy and vibrant.

Yes, Mr. Goldstrike Aucuba is generally considered to be cold hardy, particularly in USDA hardiness zones 7 to 10. It can tolerate temperatures down to about 0°F (-18°C) once established, making it suitable for many temperate regions. However, it may require protection from extreme cold or harsh winter conditions, especially in colder zones. Providing a layer of mulch around the base of the plant can help insulate the roots and protect against freezing temperatures.

Mr. Goldstrike Aucuba is generally considered to be deer resistant due to its tough, leathery foliage, which deer typically avoid browsing on. However, it's important to note that while deer may be less likely to feed on Aucuba compared to more tender plants, their feeding behavior can vary depending on factors such as local deer populations, food availability, and environmental conditions. In areas with high deer pressure, additional measures such as fencing or deer repellents may be necessary to protect vulnerable plants.

Mr. Goldstrike Aucuba generally prefers consistently moist soil, but it's important not to overwater, as this can lead to root rot and other problems. Here are some guidelines for watering:

Established Plants: Water deeply once a week during dry periods, providing enough water to moisten the soil to the depth of the root zone, which is typically around 6 to 8 inches.

Newly Planted: Newly planted Mr. Goldstrike Aucuba may require more frequent watering until they become established. Water deeply immediately after planting, and then monitor soil moisture regularly to ensure it doesn't dry out completely.

Check Soil Moisture: Before watering, check the soil moisture by inserting your finger into the soil near the base of the plant. If the top inch or two of soil feels dry, it's time to water.

Mulch: Applying a layer of organic mulch around the base of the plant can help retain soil moisture and reduce the frequency of watering. Aim to maintain a consistent level of moisture in the soil without allowing it to become waterlogged.

Adjust for Conditions: Adjust your watering schedule based on weather conditions. During hot, dry weather, you may need to water more frequently, while during cooler or rainy periods, you can reduce the frequency of watering.

By following these watering guidelines and monitoring the plant's moisture needs, you can help ensure that your Mr. Goldstrike Aucuba remains healthy and vibrant.

Mr. Goldstrike Aucuba is generally considered hardy and can tolerate light frost and freezing temperatures to some extent. However, prolonged exposure to extreme cold can damage the plant, especially if it's not well-established or if the freeze is accompanied by other adverse conditions like strong winds or ice.

To help Mr. Goldstrike Aucuba survive a freeze:

Mulch: Apply a layer of mulch around the base of the plant to help insulate the roots and conserve soil moisture.

Covering: If a frost or freeze is expected, cover the plant with frost cloth or blankets overnight to provide some protection from the cold.

Watering: Keep the plant well-watered, especially during dry spells leading up to freezing temperatures. Moist soil retains heat better than dry soil and can help moderate temperature fluctuations.

Location: Plant Mr. Goldstrike Aucuba in a sheltered location, such as near a building or under the canopy of larger trees, to provide some natural protection from harsh weather conditions.

While Mr. Goldstrike Aucuba can withstand light freezes, it's important to monitor weather forecasts and take appropriate precautions during periods of extreme cold to help minimize any potential damage to the plant.

The browning of leaves on your Mr. Goldstrike Aucuba could be due to several factors:

Watering Issues: Over or under-watering can lead to leaf browning. Ensure that the plant is receiving adequate moisture without being waterlogged.

Sun Exposure: Aucuba plants prefer partial to full shade. Too much direct sunlight can scorch the leaves, causing them to turn brown.

Soil pH: Aucuba plants thrive in well-draining, slightly acidic soil. If the soil pH is off, it can affect the plant's health and lead to leaf discoloration.

Temperature Stress: Extreme temperatures, especially cold drafts, can cause leaf damage and browning.

Nutrient Deficiency: Lack of essential nutrients, particularly nitrogen, can result in leaf discoloration.

Inspect your plant closely to identify any signs of pests or diseases, as they can also cause leaf browning. Adjusting watering practices, providing appropriate sun exposure, and addressing soil pH and nutrient levels can help alleviate the issue. If problems persist, consult with a local nursery or gardening expert for further guidance.

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We have perfected packaging and shipping plants & trees! That is why we DO NOT use any third-party fulfillment like most other online retailers. Your trees go straight from our farm to your door, safely packaged by our team of seasoned professionals. Our process ensures your plants leave our facility and arrive to your door in the best condition possible!