Simply Trees

Fiddle Leaf Fig

In Stock - Ready to Ship

Bright indirect sunOnce a weekNeeds extra careNot pet friendly


  • Statement-Making Foliage: The Fiddle Leaf Fig is celebrated for its large, glossy, and uniquely shaped leaves, making it a striking focal point in any interior space and adding an instant touch of tropical elegance.
  • Indirect Light Lover: This popular houseplant thrives in bright, indirect light, making it perfectly suited for well-lit indoor areas, while also being forgiving if not placed in direct sunlight.
  • Versatile Growth Patterns: Whether you're aiming for a tall tree-like presence or a shorter bushy companion, the Fiddle Leaf Fig offers flexibility in growth habits, adapting to various indoor settings and decor preferences.
  • *Pot pictured is not included

XS, 1 ft or 4 to 6 inch pot
Small, 2 to 3 ft or 6 inch pot
Medium, 3 to 4 ft or 8 to 10 inch pot
Large, 4 to 6 ft or 8 to 10 inch pot
XL, 6 to 7 ft or 10 to 12 inch pot

Please Note: Sizing can differ between plant varieties. Please chat with us if you need clarification.

More Details

The Fiddle Leaf Fig plant is a striking indoor beauty that exudes elegance with its distinctive fiddle-shaped, glossy leaves. These large leaves boast prominent veins, adding to the plant's dramatic visual appeal and making it a standout piece in any indoor setting. This popular houseplant not only serves as a captivating ornamental addition but also offers air-purifying benefits, enhancing the air quality in your home. While it requires some specific care, including bright, indirect light and consistent watering, the Fiddle Leaf Fig's striking beauty and graceful aura make it a favored choice by interior decorators.

Growth rate: This plant grows about 1 foot per year and reaches a mature height of 7 to 10 feet.

Water deeply when the top inch of the soil feels dry. Typically once a week. Allow water to drain out of pot.

Place your Fiddle Leaf Fig in a spot with bright, indirect light. It thrives in bright, filtered light but can tolerate some shade.

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We have perfected packaging and shipping plants & trees! That is why we DO NOT use any third-party fulfillment like most other online retailers. Your trees go straight from our farm to your door, safely packaged by our team of seasoned professionals. Our process ensures your plants leave our facility and arrive to your door in the best condition possible!

Frequently Asked Questions

The best place to put your Fiddle Leaf Fig is in a spot where it will receive plenty of bright, indirect sunlight. Here are some key points to consider for positioning your Fiddle Leaf Fig:

Bright, Indirect Light: Place it near a window where it can get lots of bright, but indirect sunlight. East-facing windows are often ideal as they provide gentle morning sunlight. If using a south or west-facing window, you may need to filter the light with sheer curtains to prevent direct sun exposure that can scorch the leaves.

Consistent Temperature: Fiddle Leaf Figs prefer a stable environment. Avoid placing them near drafty windows, doors, or vents where they might be exposed to sudden temperature changes.

Avoid Low Light Areas: Avoid putting the plant in a spot that’s too dark, as insufficient light can stunt growth and cause leaves to drop.

Humidity Considerations: These plants enjoy a humid environment. If your home is dry, especially in winter, consider using a humidifier or placing a water tray nearby to increase humidity.

Room to Grow: Ensure there’s enough space for the plant to grow, both in height and width. Fiddle Leaf Figs can grow quite tall and may need to be repotted as they grow.

Remember, every home and every plant is unique, so you might need to experiment a bit to find the perfect spot for your Fiddle Leaf Fig. Regularly observing your plant’s response to its location and making adjustments as needed is key to keeping it healthy and thriving.

Fiddle Leaf Figs do not require direct sunlight and, in fact, can be harmed by too much direct sun exposure. These plants prefer bright, indirect light. Here are some key points:

Ideal Light Conditions: Place your Fiddle Leaf Fig in a spot where it will receive plenty of bright, indirect sunlight. This usually means near a window where the light is filtered through a curtain or slightly diffused.

Avoid Direct Sun: Direct sunlight, especially during the hot midday hours, can scorch the leaves, leaving brown spots or faded areas.

Rotate for Even Growth: To ensure even growth, rotate your plant every few months so all sides receive equal light.

Low Light Tolerance: While they can tolerate lower light conditions, they may not thrive and could experience slower growth or less vibrant leaves.

In summary, while Fiddle Leaf Figs need plenty of light, it should be indirect to avoid damaging the foliage. Finding the right spot in your home that provides these conditions is key to keeping your plant healthy and happy.

If the leaves on your Fiddle Leaf Fig are turning brown and falling off, it could be due to a few reasons, often related to watering, environment, or disease. Here's a breakdown:

Overwatering or Underwatering: This is a common cause of brown leaves. Overwatering can lead to root rot, causing the leaves to turn brown and fall off. Conversely, if the plant isn’t getting enough water, the leaves may also turn brown and drop.

Light Issues: Too much direct sunlight can scorch the leaves, causing them to turn brown and fall off. Insufficient light can also stress the plant, leading to browning leaves.

Humidity and Temperature: Fiddle Leaf Figs prefer a humid environment. Dry air can lead to brown leaf edges. Similarly, cold drafts or sudden temperature changes can stress the plant, causing leaf drop.

Pests: Pest infestations, such as spider mites or mealybugs, can damage the leaves, leading to browning and falling off.

Nutrient Deficiencies: Lack of essential nutrients can affect the plant’s health, resulting in discolored leaves.

To address these issues, ensure you are watering your plant correctly, place it in a spot with bright, indirect light, protect it from drafts, and check regularly for pests. With proper care and adjustments, you can often remedy these issues and improve the health of your Fiddle Leaf Fig.

An overwatered Fiddle Leaf Fig displays several distinctive signs, reflecting the stress caused by excessive moisture. Here's what to look for:

Brown or Yellow Leaves: The leaves may turn brown or yellow, starting at the edges and sometimes moving inward. This discoloration is often one of the first signs of overwatering.

Drooping Leaves: The leaves might appear limp and droopy, a sign that they are getting too much water.

Soft, Mushy Roots (Root Rot): If you inspect the roots (by gently removing the plant from its pot), overwatered roots may appear soft, brown, and mushy instead of firm and white. This condition is known as root rot, a serious issue caused by overwatering.

Mold or Algae on Soil Surface: You might see mold, algae, or a musty smell from the soil, indicating too much moisture and poor soil aeration.

Edema: In some cases, the plant's cells might take in more water than they can handle, leading to edema, where blisters or lesions appear on the leaves.

Remember, Fiddle Leaf Figs prefer to dry out slightly between waterings. To prevent overwatering, it's important to let the top inch of soil become dry to the touch before watering again. Proper drainage in the pot is also crucial to avoid water accumulation around the roots.

Fiddle Leaf Figs can be challenging to care for primarily due to their specific and somewhat finicky requirements for light, water, and humidity. Here's why they are often seen as difficult, along with reassurance that with the right care, they can be manageable:

Light Requirements: Fiddle Leaf Figs need lots of bright, indirect light. Inadequate light can lead to dropping leaves or stunted growth, while too much direct sunlight can scorch their leaves.

Watering: They are sensitive to both overwatering and underwatering. Finding the right balance is crucial. The soil should be allowed to dry out partially between watering, but not completely.

Humidity and Temperature: These plants prefer a humid environment and stable temperatures. Fluctuations in humidity or exposure to drafts can stress the plant.

Sensitive to Change: Fiddle Leaf Figs don't like change. Moving them around often or changing their environment can lead to leaf drop.

Prone to Pests: They can be prone to pests like spider mites and mealybugs, especially if they are stressed or not in ideal growing conditions.

Despite these challenges, with some extra attention and care, Fiddle Leaf Figs can be successfully maintained. Consistency in their care routine is key. Once you understand and cater to their specific needs for light, water, and humidity, and protect them from sudden changes and pests, these plants can thrive and become a stunning addition to your space.

You should consider repotting your Fiddle Leaf Fig approximately every 1 to 2 years, or when you notice signs that it has outgrown its current pot. Here are some indicators and guidelines:

Roots are Crowding: If you see roots growing out of the drainage holes or circling the surface of the soil, it's a sign the plant needs more space.

Slowed Growth: If the plant’s growth has significantly slowed down, and it's not due to other factors like reduced light or water, it might need repotting.

Soil Dries Out Too Quickly: When the soil dries out rapidly after watering, it may indicate that the plant is too big for its pot.

Repotting Time: The best time to repot is during the growing season, in spring or early summer. This gives the plant time to adjust and grow into its new pot.

Pot Size: When choosing a new pot, select one that is 2-3 inches (5-8 cm) larger in diameter than the current one. Ensure the new pot has good drainage.

Fresh Soil: Use fresh, high-quality potting soil when repotting to provide new nutrients and improve soil structure.

Remember, repotting can be stressful for plants, so it's important to do it carefully and only when necessary. After repotting, keep the plant in a stable environment and water it thoroughly.

The best fertilizer for Fiddle Leaf Figs is a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer with an equal ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (often labeled as N-P-K 10-10-10 or 20-20-20). Here are some key points to consider:

Balanced Formula: A balanced fertilizer ensures that the plant receives an even mix of essential nutrients, supporting overall health, leaf growth, and root development.

Liquid Fertilizer: Water-soluble or liquid fertilizers are often preferred as they are easier to control and can be evenly distributed around the soil.

Frequency: Fertilize your Fiddle Leaf Fig every four to six weeks during the growing season (spring and summer). It's best to reduce or stop fertilizing in the fall and winter when the plant's growth naturally slows down.

Dilution: Follow the instructions on the fertilizer's packaging. Often, it's recommended to dilute the fertilizer to half the strength to avoid over-fertilizing, which can burn the plant's roots and leaves.

Soil Health: Before applying fertilizer, ensure the plant is in healthy soil and has been watered. Fertilizing dry soil can harm the plant.

Using the right fertilizer and applying it correctly can significantly benefit your Fiddle Leaf Fig, promoting healthy growth and vibrant leaves.

Misting your Fiddle Leaf Fig is not necessary and may not be beneficial for the plant. Here's why:

Humidity Preference: Fiddle Leaf Figs do prefer a humid environment, but misting often does not significantly increase the humidity around the plant and can be insufficient for their needs.

Risk of Leaf Problems: Misting can sometimes lead to issues such as fungal infections or leaf spot, especially if the leaves stay wet for prolonged periods.

Alternative Humidity Solutions: Instead of misting, consider using a humidifier near the plant or placing a tray of water near the plant to increase humidity. Grouping plants together can also naturally raise the humidity in their immediate area.

Proper Watering: It's more important to water the soil correctly, ensuring the plant gets the right amount of moisture at the roots.

In summary, while Fiddle Leaf Figs appreciate humidity, misting the leaves is not the most effective method to provide it and could potentially cause other problems. Focusing on overall environmental humidity and proper watering will be more beneficial for the health of your plant.

A Fiddle Leaf Fig (Ficus lyrata) can grow quite large. Here are the typical sizes you can expect:

Indoors: When grown as a houseplant, a Fiddle Leaf Fig typically reaches heights of 6 to 10 feet, though they can grow taller under optimal conditions.

Container Limitations: The size of the pot can restrict the plant's growth. A larger pot allows for more root growth, which can lead to a larger plant.

Growth Rate: Fiddle Leaf Figs have a moderate growth rate, and how fast they grow can depend on their care, including light, water, and fertilization.

Yes, the Fiddle Leaf Fig is considered a good indoor plant (it's one of our favorites), and it has become particularly popular in interior design for several reasons:

Aesthetic Appeal: With its large, glossy, violin-shaped leaves, the Fiddle Leaf Fig adds a striking and sophisticated touch to interior spaces. Its bold foliage makes it a focal point in any room.

Versatility in Design: This plant fits well in a variety of decor styles, from modern to bohemian, making it a top choice among interior designers. Its height and shape can be used to fill corners, brighten up a room, or add a vertical element to the space.

Air Purifying: Like many indoor plants, Fiddle Leaf Figs can contribute to a healthier indoor environment by filtering out some pollutants from the air.

Statement Piece: Due to its size and distinct leaves, it often serves as a statement piece in interior designs, bringing a touch of nature indoors.

Eco Pot

  • Made from Recycled Materials & Natural Minerals
  • Natural-Looking Hand Finish
  • Lightweight & Durable
  • UV Protected & Frost Resistant