Simply Trees

Dragon Tree

Ships 1-3 days*

Bright indirect sunOnce a weekSuper easyNot pet friendly
  • Elegant, Architectural Form: The Dragon Tree features slender stems with tufts of narrow, arching leaves that are edged with a vibrant red or purple, creating a striking silhouette that enhances modern and minimalist decors.
  • Durability and Resilience: Dracaena marginata is known for its toughness. It can withstand periods of neglect, bounce back from under-watering, and thrive in less-than-ideal lighting conditions, making it a great choice for busy or forgetful plant owners.
  • Air-Cleaning Abilities: Adding to its appeal, the Dragon Tree is among the plants recognized by NASA studies for its air-purifying capabilities. It helps remove indoor pollutants such as benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene from the air, contributing to a healthier living environment.
  • *Pot pictured is our Medium Eco Pot in Grey, pot is not included*

XS, 1 ft or 4 to 6 inch pot
Small, 2 to 3 ft or 6 inch pot
Medium, 3 to 4 ft or 8 to 10 inch pot
Large, 4 to 6 ft or 8 to 10 inch pot
XL, 6 to 7 ft or 10 to 12 inch pot

Please Note: Sizing can differ between plant varieties. Please chat with us if you need clarification.

More Details

The Dragon Tree, scientifically known as Dracaena marginata, is a captivating indoor plant with its slender, sword-shaped leaves. Its foliage showcases striking shades of green, often edged with a beautiful reddish-purple hue, creating a visually stunning display that adds a touch of exotic allure to any indoor space. Besides its aesthetic charm, this houseplant boasts air-purifying properties, enhancing the air quality and promoting a healthier environment. With its unique appearance and elegant presence, the Dragon Tree becomes a symbol of tranquility and refinement, elevating the ambiance of your living spaces and inviting a sense of serenity into your home.

Growth rate: Slow growth rate; typically reaches a mature height of 5 to 7 feet with a width of 2 to 3 feet.

Water once per week or when the top inch of soil is dry. Keep it hydrated by misting the leaves regularly.

Dragon Trees prefer bright, indirect light. They can tolerate some lower light conditions, but their growth may slow down.

We process and ship your order as quickly as possible, typically within 1-3 business days. You will receive a shipping confirmation with tracking information once your item(s) ship.

We have perfected packaging and shipping plants & trees! That is why we DO NOT use any third-party fulfillment like most other online retailers. Your trees go straight from our farm to your door, safely packaged by our team of seasoned professionals. Our process ensures your plants leave our facility and arrive to your door in the best condition possible!

In cases of extreme cold or hot weather, we may temporarily delay shipping to ensure the well-being of your plants. Our primary focus is on delivering healthy and thriving plants to you. Rest assured, we'll make every effort to notify you of any delays promptly.

Please allow additional ship times during inclement weather and sale periods. We do not process or ship orders on the weekend or U.S. Holidays. Simply Trees is not responsible for delays due to carriers, local disruptions, or weather.

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At Simply Trees, we're committed to your satisfaction. If your plants arrive considerably damaged or sustained damage beyond the point of recovery, please contact us within five days at with clear photos for assistance. Our 30-day guarantee covers issues after planting, subject to our terms and conditions. We can't cover plants in the wrong climate or with inadequate care, but we're here to help in other situations. For a detailed understanding of our 30-day guarantee and how we ensure a fair process, click here to learn more.

From Our Farm to Your Door

How We Pack & Ship Plants

We have perfected packaging and shipping plants & trees! That is why we DO NOT use any third-party fulfillment like most other online retailers. Your trees go straight from our farm to your door, safely packaged by our team of seasoned professionals. Our process ensures your plants leave our facility and arrive to your door in the best condition possible!

Frequently Asked Questions

When grown as an indoor houseplant, the size of the Dragon Tree at maturity can vary based on several factors, including care, environmental conditions, and the age of the plant. However, as a general guideline, indoor Dragon Trees typically reach a height of 5 to 7 feet when fully mature.

The width of a mature indoor Dragon Tree can range from 2 to 3 feet or slightly more. It tends to have a relatively narrow growth habit, with a single or multiple stems that can produce a compact, tree-like appearance.

Keep in mind that these are approximate measurements, and the actual size of your indoor Dragon Tree may vary depending on factors like light, temperature, humidity, and care practices. Regular pruning can help maintain the plant's shape and size within desired limits if you prefer a smaller or more compact specimen.

The growth rate of the Dragon Tree can vary based on various factors such as environmental conditions, care, and the plant's age. On average, a healthy Dragon Tree can grow approximately 6 to 12 inches in height per year under optimal conditions.

In indoor or container cultivation, they typically grow more slowly and may not reach their maximum height. The time it takes to reach maturity indoors can vary widely, but it often spans multiple decades.

It's important to note that Dragon Trees are known for their slow growth, and they are often valued for their unique appearance and longevity rather than their rapid growth rate. Providing proper care and maintaining a stable environment can help ensure their health and gradual growth over time.

As a general guideline, you may need to water your Dragon Tree every 1-2 weeks during the growing season (spring and summer) and reduce the frequency to every 3-4 weeks in the dormant season (fall and winter). However, these are approximate guidelines, and it's crucial to rely on the moisture level of the soil as your primary indicator for when to water.

Remember that it's better to err on the side of underwatering than overwatering, as Dragon Trees are more tolerant of drought conditions than waterlogged soil. Adjust your watering schedule as needed based on the specific conditions in your home and the plant's response to your care routine.

The best place to put a Dragon Tree depends on several factors that cater to its specific care requirements. Here are the key considerations for finding the ideal location for your Dragon Tree:

Light: Dragon Trees thrive in bright, indirect light. Place your Dragon Tree in a location with plenty of filtered or dappled sunlight. Avoid direct, harsh sunlight, especially during the hottest part of the day, as it can scorch the leaves.

Temperature: Maintain a stable temperature range for your Dragon Tree. It prefers temperatures between 65°F to 80°F (18°C to 27°C). Avoid exposing the plant to cold drafts or temperatures below 50°F (10°C).

Humidity: While Dragon Trees are adaptable to average indoor humidity levels, they prefer higher humidity. In dry indoor environments, especially during the winter months when heating systems are running, consider increasing humidity around the plant through methods like misting or using a humidity tray.

Air Circulation: Ensure good air circulation around your Dragon Tree to prevent stagnant air and the risk of fungal issues. Avoid placing it in a spot with limited airflow.

Potting Mix and Container: Use well-draining potting mix and a container with drainage holes to prevent overwatering. Make sure the pot is the appropriate size for the plant to provide room for root growth.

Spacing: Allow sufficient space between your Dragon Tree and other objects or plants to avoid overcrowding and promote healthy growth.

Indoor vs. Outdoor: Dragon Trees can be grown both indoors and outdoors in suitable climates. In outdoor settings, choose a location that provides protection from strong winds and frost.

Visual Aesthetics: Consider the aesthetic appeal of your Dragon Tree's placement. It can be an excellent addition to living rooms, offices, or indoor spaces where its architectural beauty can be appreciated.

Avoid Drastic Changes: Once you find the right spot for your Dragon Tree, try to keep it in that location as it may not appreciate frequent moves.

Rotate the Plant: To ensure even growth and balanced exposure to light, rotate the plant occasionally to different positions.

Remember that the ideal location for your Dragon Tree may vary depending on your specific indoor or outdoor conditions. Be attentive to the plant's response, adjust its placement as needed, and provide consistent care to help it thrive in its chosen spot.

Pruning a Dragon Tree is relatively straightforward and can help maintain the plant's shape and appearance. Here are steps to follow when pruning your Dragon Tree:

Materials Needed:
- Pruning shears or scissors
- Clean, sharp pruning tools


1. Assess the Plant: Before you begin, take a close look at your Dragon Tree and identify the areas that need pruning. Look for any dead or browned leaves, leggy growth, or overgrown branches that are affecting the plant's overall appearance.

2. Gather Your Tools: Ensure that your pruning shears or scissors are clean and sharp. This will help make clean cuts and reduce the risk of damaging the plant.

3. Remove Dead or Browned Leaves: Start by removing any dead or browned leaves. Use your pruning tool to make a clean cut at the base of the leaf where it connects to the stem or trunk. Make sure to cut as close to the main stem as possible without damaging it.

4. Trim Overgrown or Leggy Growth: If you notice branches or stems that have become excessively tall or leggy, you can trim them to encourage a more compact growth habit. Identify the point on the stem where you want to make the cut and prune just above a node (the small bump where leaves or stems emerge). This will encourage new growth from that point.

5. Shape the Plant (optional): To maintain the desired shape of your Dragon Tree, you can selectively prune branches or stems that are growing in unwanted directions. Make cuts just above a node to encourage new growth in the desired direction.

6. Clean Up: After pruning, gather and discard the trimmed leaves and stems. This will help prevent pests and diseases from affecting the plant.

7. Maintenance: Regularly inspect your Dragon Tree for any new growth that may need pruning. Prune as needed to maintain the plant's shape and health.

Note: While pruning is generally safe for Dragon Trees, avoid removing more than one-third of the plant's foliage in a single pruning session. Over-pruning can stress the plant.

Remember that Dragon Trees are relatively slow growers, so pruning should be done as needed to maintain the plant's appearance and promote healthy growth. Avoid heavy pruning, as it can take some time for the plant to recover and produce new growth.

Misting your Dragon Tree can be beneficial, especially in dry indoor environments or during seasons with low humidity. However, it's important to note that misting alone may not provide the high humidity levels that this plant truly thrives in. Here are some considerations regarding misting for your Dragon Tree:

Benefits of Misting:

Increased Humidity: Misting can temporarily increase humidity around the plant by adding moisture to the air. Dragon Trees prefer higher humidity levels, and misting helps create a more suitable microclimate.

Dust Removal: Misting can help remove dust and debris from the plant's leaves, which can improve its appearance and photosynthetic efficiency.

Prevention of Dry Tips: Misting can help prevent the tips of the leaves from becoming excessively dry, which is a common issue in dry indoor environments.

Misting Guidelines:

Use Clean Water: Always use clean, room-temperature water for misting to avoid introducing contaminants to the plant. If possible, use distilled or rainwater to prevent mineral buildup on the leaves.

Mist in the Morning: Misting in the morning allows the plant to dry off before evening, reducing the risk of fungal issues.

Avoid Over-Misting: While misting can be beneficial, excessive moisture on the leaves for prolonged periods can create conditions for mold or fungal growth. Ensure that the mist is fine and not soaking the plant.

Combine with Other Methods: Misting alone may not provide sufficient humidity in very dry environments. Consider using a humidity tray filled with water and pebbles, or using a room humidifier to maintain adequate humidity levels.

Remember that while misting can help improve humidity levels around your Dragon Tree, it should be part of an overall strategy for maintaining the right environmental conditions.

Monitoring humidity and adjusting care accordingly is essential to keep your plant healthy, especially in indoor settings with lower humidity levels, such as during the winter months when heating systems are running.

Repotting a Dragon Tree should be done when the plant has outgrown its current container or when the soil quality has deteriorated. Here's how and when to repot your Dragon Tree:

When to Repot:

Root-Bound: Check the root system by gently removing the plant from its current pot. If you see a dense mass of roots circling the root ball and filling the pot, it's a sign that the plant has become root-bound and needs a larger pot.

Outgrowing the Pot: If your Dragon Tree has grown significantly taller or wider than the current pot, it's time to consider repotting to provide more room for root growth and stability.

Soil Degradation: Over time, the potting mix can break down and lose its ability to retain moisture and nutrients. If you notice that water runs through the soil quickly without being absorbed, it may be time to repot.

How to Repot:

Choose the Right Pot: Select a new pot that is 1-2 inches larger in diameter than the current one. Ensure the new pot has drainage holes to allow excess water to escape.

Prepare the Potting Mix: Use a well-draining potting mix suitable for Dracaena plants. You can also add some perlite or sand to improve drainage.

Remove the Plant: Gently remove the Dragon Tree from its current pot. You may need to tap the pot's sides or use a plastic knife to loosen the root ball if it's tightly bound.

Inspect and Prune Roots: Examine the root system for any brown or mushy roots. Trim away any unhealthy or excessively long roots using clean and sterilized pruning shears.

Repot: Add a layer of fresh potting mix to the bottom of the new pot. Place the plant in the center and fill in the sides with additional potting mix, ensuring the plant is at the same depth as it was in the old pot.

Water Thoroughly: After repotting, thoroughly water the plant to settle the soil and hydrate the roots. Allow excess water to drain from the pot.

Maintenance After Repotting: Keep the plant in its new pot in a location with the same light and temperature conditions as before. Avoid fertilizing for a few weeks after repotting to allow the plant to acclimate to its new environment.

Repotting your Dragon Tree every 2-3 years or when you notice the signs mentioned above is generally sufficient to ensure it has adequate space for healthy root growth. By following these steps, you can help maintain the overall health and vitality of your Dragon Tree.

The browning of leaves on a Dragon Tree can be attributed to several factors. Identifying the cause is crucial for addressing the issue and restoring the plant's health. Here are common reasons why the leaves of a Dragon Tree might be turning brown:

Watering Issues:

Underwatering: Insufficient watering can cause the leaf tips or edges to turn brown and crispy. Dragon Trees prefer consistently moist but not waterlogged soil.
Overwatering: Keeping the soil too wet or waterlogged can lead to root rot, which can result in browning and mushy leaves.
Solution: Maintain a regular watering schedule, allowing the top inch or so of the soil to dry out before watering again. Ensure proper drainage in the pot.

The Dragon Tree prefers higher humidity levels. In dry indoor environments, especially during the winter when heating systems are running, the air can become too dry, leading to brown leaf tips.
Solution: Increase humidity around the plant by misting it regularly, using a humidity tray, or using a room humidifier.

Lighting Issues:
Exposure to direct sunlight, especially in hot conditions, can lead to sunburn, which manifests as browning of the leaf tips or edges.
Solution: Place your Dragon Tree in a location with bright, indirect light or use sheer curtains to filter direct sunlight.

Fertilizer Problems:
Over-fertilization or using a fertilizer with too high a salt concentration can lead to leaf tip burn, resulting in browned leaf tips.
Solution: Use a balanced, diluted liquid fertilizer and follow the recommended application instructions. Avoid over-fertilizing and flush the soil periodically to remove excess salts.

Mineral Buildup:
Over time, salts and minerals can accumulate in the potting mix, leading to leaf tip burn.
Solution: Leach the soil occasionally by flushing it with plain water to remove excess salts. Consider using distilled or rainwater for watering to minimize mineral buildup.

Aging Leaves:
It's natural for older leaves to turn brown and die off as they age. If only the older leaves are affected, this could be a normal part of the plant's growth cycle.
Solution: Prune or trim off the browned tips or entire leaves if necessary to maintain the plant's appearance.

By determining the specific cause of browning in your Dragon Tree leaves and addressing it accordingly, you can encourage healthy growth and prevent further browning.

If the leaves of your Dragon Tree are falling off, it could be due to several factors. Identifying the cause is essential to address the issue and promote the plant's health. Here are common reasons why the leaves of a Dragon Tree might be dropping:

Overwatering: Overwatering can lead to root rot, which can cause the plant to shed its leaves. If the soil is consistently wet, it can suffocate the roots and result in leaf loss.
Solution: Allow the soil to dry out between waterings and ensure proper drainage in the pot.

Underwatering: Conversely, underwatering can cause leaf drop. When the plant doesn't receive enough water, it may shed leaves to conserve moisture.
Solution: Establish a regular watering schedule and ensure the plant is watered when the top inch of soil feels dry.

Environmental Stress: Exposure to drastic environmental changes, such as sudden temperature fluctuations, drafts, or rapid changes in humidity, can stress the plant and lead to leaf loss.
Solution: Keep the plant in a stable environment, away from cold drafts and extreme temperature changes.

Pests or Disease: Check the plant for signs of pests (like spider mites or mealybugs) or diseases (such as fungal infections) that could be causing stress and leaf loss.
Solution: Treat any pest infestations promptly with appropriate remedies and address any signs of disease through proper care and potentially pruning affected areas.

Nutrient Deficiency: A lack of essential nutrients, particularly nitrogen, can cause the plant to shed leaves.
Solution: Fertilize your Dragon Tree with a balanced, diluted liquid fertilizer during the growing season to provide necessary nutrients.

Natural Shedding: Some leaf loss is normal as older leaves naturally age and die off. If only the lower or older leaves are dropping, this could be a natural part of the plant's growth cycle.
Solution: Prune or trim off the browned or dropped leaves to maintain the plant's appearance.

By identifying and addressing the specific cause of leaf drop, you can help your Dracaena
Dragon Tree recover and encourage healthy new growth.

The Dragon Tree thrives at indoor temperatures between 65°F to 80°F (18°C to 27°C), making this temperature range ideal for its growth and overall health when kept as an indoor houseplant.

Eco Pot

  • Made from Recycled Materials & Natural Minerals
  • Natural-Looking Hand Finish
  • Lightweight & Durable
  • UV Protected & Frost Resistant