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Preference™ Rose Tree

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Once a weekFull sunSpring to fall
  • Deep Pink Fragrant Blooms: The Preference Rose Tree captivates with its scarlet flowers that not only beautify the garden but also emit a delicate fragrance, enhancing the sensory appeal of outdoor spaces.
  • Extended Blooming Season: This variety is celebrated for its ability to produce flowers continuously throughout the growing season, ensuring a lasting display of color and elegance.
  • Hardy Growth: Demonstrating exceptional resilience against diseases and pests, the Preference Rose Tree maintains its vigor and beauty with ease, reducing the need for chemical treatments and making it a sustainable choice for eco-conscious gardeners.

More Details

The Preference Rose Tree, scientifically known as 'Meibionel' PP 15,878, is a distinguished addition to any garden with its classic scarlet blooms that exude a subtle fragrance. Renowned for its long blooming season and robust growth, this rose tree combines beauty with resilience, offering a continuous display of flowers from late spring until frost. Its upright form and elegant flowers make it a perfect choice for accentuating entryways, patios, or garden beds, providing a touch of sophistication and charm with minimal maintenance required, ideal for gardeners in pursuit of elegance with ease.

Growth rate: Moderate growth rate, reaching heights of 3-4 feet and widths of 2-3 feet.

Sizing: Our patio rose trees are primarily utilized as outdoor patio plants and are potted. Accordingly, we measure our rose trees from the bottom of the pot to the top of the tree for accuracy.

Please note: Images on our website depict plants and trees at full maturity to showcase their expected grown characteristics. These images are illustrative examples only and do not represent the size of plants or trees upon delivery.

Pruning: Prune in late winter or early spring to encourage healthy new growth and abundant blooms. Focus on removing any dead or damaged branches and shaping the plant as desired.

Fertilization: Use a balanced, slow-release fertilizer formulated for roses at the beginning of the growing season to promote vigorous growth and prolific flowering. A repeat application in mid-summer can boost its performance.

Winter Protection: In colder zones, apply a thick layer of mulch around the base after the first hard frost to protect the roots. Additional winter protection methods may be necessary in areas with extreme winter conditions.

Choose a site with full sun exposure and well-draining soil. Dig a hole twice as wide and the same depth as the root ball. Insert the tree, ensuring it's straight, and backfill with soil, watering thoroughly. Apply a layer of mulch around the base to help retain soil moisture and regulate temperature. Water regularly during the tree's first growing season to foster a robust root system.

Water regularly during the first growing season to establish a deep, healthy root system. Once established, maintain consistent moisture but allow the soil to dry slightly between waterings. For optimal growth and flowering, the Preference Rose Tree requires full sun, meaning it should receive at least 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight each day. Adequate sunlight is crucial for the health and vibrancy of the blooms.

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We have perfected packaging and shipping plants & trees! That is why we DO NOT use any third-party fulfillment like most other online retailers. Your trees go straight from our farm to your door, safely packaged by our team of seasoned professionals. Our process ensures your plants leave our facility and arrive to your door in the best condition possible!

In cases of extreme cold or hot weather, we may temporarily delay shipping to ensure the well-being of your plants. Our primary focus is on delivering healthy and thriving plants to you. Rest assured, we'll make every effort to notify you of any delays promptly.

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Zones 5-9

The Preference Rose Tree flourishes in USDA Zones 5-9, showcasing its adaptability to a range of climate conditions. It withstands temperatures down to -20°F, allowing it to thrive in both cold and warm regions. Well-drained soil and mulching to preserve soil moisture and temperature are essential for its success. This rose tree's ability to bloom profusely in various environments makes it a versatile and appealing option for gardeners seeking a blend of beauty and resilience.

Frequently Asked Questions

The 'Meibionel' Floribunda rose, commonly known as the Preference Floribunda Rose Tree, typically grows to a height of around 3 to 4 feet and spread of 2 to 3 feet when fully mature. However, the size of the plant can be influenced by various factors such as growing conditions, climate, pruning practices, and the specific cultivar.

Floribunda roses are generally compact and bushy in habit, making them well-suited for various garden settings, including borders, containers, and mixed flower beds. They produce clusters of blooms that add color and beauty to the landscape throughout the growing season.

To maintain the desired size and shape of the Preference Floribunda Rose Tree, regular pruning and maintenance are recommended. This helps to promote healthy growth, encourage abundant flowering, and keep the plant looking tidy and attractive.

Floribunda rose trees, including the Preference variety, typically have a moderate growth rate. However, the exact growth rate can vary depending on factors such as climate, soil conditions, care practices, and the specific cultivar.

On average, Floribunda rose trees may grow anywhere from 1 to 2 feet in height per year under optimal growing conditions. This growth rate may slow down slightly as the plant matures, but healthy plants can continue to put on new growth each year.

To encourage healthy growth and maximize the growth rate of Floribunda rose trees provide them with adequate sunlight, water, nutrients, and proper care. Regular pruning, fertilizing, and pest and disease management can also contribute to vigorous growth and overall plant health.

When planting Floribunda rose trees like the Preference variety, it's essential to choose a location that meets their sunlight, soil, and spacing requirements. Here are some considerations for selecting the best planting site:

Sunlight: Floribunda roses thrive in full sunlight, which typically means at least six hours of direct sunlight per day. Choose a location in your garden that receives ample sunlight throughout the day, preferably in the morning and early afternoon.

Soil: Ensure the soil is well-drained and fertile. Floribunda roses prefer slightly acidic to neutral soil with good drainage. If your soil is heavy clay or prone to waterlogging, consider amending it with organic matter such as compost or well-rotted manure to improve drainage and fertility.

Air Circulation: Good air circulation around the plants is important for preventing diseases such as powdery mildew and black spot. Avoid planting Floribunda roses in areas with poor air circulation, such as close to tall buildings or dense vegetation.

Spacing: Provide adequate spacing between Floribunda rose trees to allow for proper air circulation and growth. Depending on the specific cultivar and growth habit, space plants approximately 2 to 4 feet apart.

Protection from Strong Winds: While Floribunda roses enjoy sunlight and good air circulation, they may suffer damage from strong winds. Planting them in a location protected from strong gusts, such as near a fence or hedge, can help prevent wind damage to the plants and their blooms.

Accessibility: Choose a location that allows easy access for planting, watering, pruning, and maintenance tasks. Consider factors such as proximity to water sources and pathways when selecting the planting site.

Overall, the best place to plant Floribunda rose trees is in a sunny, well-drained location with good air circulation and sufficient spacing between plants. Providing these conditions will help ensure healthy growth and abundant blooms throughout the growing season.

Floribunda roses, including the Preference variety, generally tolerate heat well, but prolonged exposure to intense heat can cause their blooms to fade more quickly. Here are a few tips to help mitigate the effects of heat on your Floribunda rose blooms:

Provide Adequate Watering: During periods of hot weather, it's essential to ensure that your Floribunda roses receive sufficient water. Deep watering at the base of the plant, preferably in the morning, helps hydrate the roots and maintain soil moisture levels. Mulching around the base of the plant can also help retain moisture and regulate soil temperature.

Provide Afternoon Shade: If possible, provide some afternoon shade for your Floribunda roses during the hottest part of the day. This can be achieved by planting them in a location where they receive morning sun and afternoon shade or by providing temporary shade using umbrellas, shade cloth, or nearby structures.

Regular Deadheading: Removing spent blooms (deadheading) regularly encourages the plant to produce new flowers and prevents energy from being wasted on seed production. This practice can help prolong the flowering period and maintain the overall appearance of the plant, even during hot weather.

Mulching: Applying a layer of organic mulch, such as compost or shredded bark, around the base of your Floribunda roses helps insulate the soil, regulate temperature, and retain moisture. Mulch also helps suppress weeds, which compete with the roses for water and nutrients.

Monitor for Signs of Stress: Keep an eye on your Floribunda roses for signs of stress, such as wilting leaves or drooping blooms, especially during hot weather. If necessary, increase watering frequency or provide additional shade to help the plants cope with the heat.

By following these tips and providing proper care, you can help your Floribunda roses maintain their blooms and overall health, even during periods of hot weather.

A Floribunda rose, such as the Preference variety, is a type of modern garden rose that is prized for its prolific blooming habit and vibrant colors. Floribundas are the result of crossing hybrid tea roses with polyantha roses, combining the elegance of hybrid teas with the abundance of blooms characteristic of polyanthas.

Here are some key characteristics of Floribunda roses:

Abundant Blooms: Floribundas produce clusters of flowers rather than single blooms, creating a stunning display of color in the garden. Each cluster may contain multiple buds, resulting in a profusion of flowers throughout the growing season.

Continuous Bloom: One of the main attractions of Floribunda roses is their ability to bloom repeatedly throughout the growing season, from spring to fall. This extended blooming period ensures a continuous supply of fresh flowers for cutting or enjoying in the garden.

Diverse Colors and Forms: Floribundas come in a wide range of colors, including shades of pink, red, yellow, orange, and white. The flowers can vary in form from single to double, and their petals may exhibit different shapes and textures, adding to their visual appeal.

Compact Growth Habit: Most Floribunda roses have a compact and bushy growth habit, making them well-suited for use in borders, beds, and containers. They typically reach a moderate height and width, making them easy to manage and maintain.

Hardiness and Disease Resistance: Many Floribunda rose varieties are known for their hardiness and disease resistance, making them relatively low-maintenance plants in the garden. They can tolerate a wide range of growing conditions and are less prone to common rose diseases such as black spot and powdery mildew.

Overall, Floribunda roses are beloved by gardeners for their beautiful blooms, long flowering period, and ease of care, making them popular choices for both novice and experienced rose enthusiasts alike.

Caring for Floribunda roses, including the Preference variety, involves several key tasks to ensure they remain healthy, vigorous, and beautiful. Here are some essential care tips:

Planting: Choose a location with well-draining soil and full sun exposure (at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day). Plant Floribunda roses in early spring or fall, ensuring adequate spacing between plants for good air circulation.

Watering: Water deeply and thoroughly, especially during dry periods or hot weather. Provide enough water to moisten the root zone, but avoid overwatering, which can lead to root rot. Water at the base of the plant to keep foliage dry and minimize the risk of fungal diseases.

Fertilizing: Apply a balanced, slow-release fertilizer formulated for roses in spring when new growth appears, and again in midsummer. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for application rates and timing. Avoid excessive nitrogen, as it can promote lush foliage at the expense of blooms.

Pruning: Regular pruning helps maintain the shape, health, and flowering performance of Floribunda roses. Prune in late winter or early spring before new growth emerges. Remove dead, damaged, or crossing branches, and cut back older canes to encourage new growth from the base.

Deadheading: Remove spent flowers regularly to encourage continuous blooming throughout the growing season. Snip off faded blooms just above a set of healthy leaves or outward-facing bud to promote new flower production.

Mulching: Apply a layer of organic mulch around the base of the rose bush to suppress weeds, retain soil moisture, and regulate soil temperature. Mulching also helps prevent soil erosion and reduces the need for frequent watering.

Disease and Pest Control: Monitor your roses regularly for signs of common diseases such as powdery mildew, black spot, and aphids. Treat any issues promptly with appropriate fungicides or insecticides, following label instructions carefully.

Winter Protection: In regions with cold winters, provide winter protection for Floribunda roses by mulching around the base, wrapping the canes with burlap, or hilling soil around the crown to insulate against freezing temperatures.

Support: Stake or provide support for tall or heavy blooms to prevent them from bending or breaking, especially during windy conditions or heavy rain.

By following these care tips, you can enjoy healthy, vibrant Floribunda roses that provide abundant blooms and enhance your garden's beauty throughout the growing season.

The watering frequency for Floribunda roses, including the Preference variety, depends on several factors such as weather conditions, soil moisture levels, and the stage of growth. Here are some general guidelines to help you determine how often to water:

Soil Moisture: Check the soil moisture regularly by inserting your finger into the soil near the base of the rose bush. Water when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch. Avoid overwatering, as this can lead to root rot and other moisture-related issues.

Weather Conditions: Roses generally require more frequent watering during hot, dry weather or periods of drought. In contrast, they may need less water during cooler or rainy periods. Adjust your watering schedule accordingly based on the weather forecast and observed conditions.

Established Plants: Established Floribunda roses typically have deeper root systems and may require less frequent watering compared to newly planted roses. Once established, water deeply but less frequently to encourage deeper root growth and drought tolerance.

Container-Grown Roses: If growing Floribunda roses in containers, check the moisture level of the potting mix regularly, as containers tend to dry out more quickly than garden soil. Water container-grown roses when the top inch of the soil feels dry.

Morning Watering: Water your roses in the morning to minimize water loss due to evaporation and reduce the risk of fungal diseases. Avoid watering in the late afternoon or evening, as wet foliage overnight can promote fungal growth.

Mulching: Applying a layer of organic mulch around the base of Floribunda roses can help retain soil moisture, regulate soil temperature, and reduce weed competition. Mulching also helps prevent moisture loss through evaporation, reducing the need for frequent watering.

Remember that these are general guidelines, and the specific watering needs of your Floribunda roses may vary based on local climate conditions and soil characteristics. Observing your plants regularly and adjusting your watering schedule accordingly is key to maintaining their health and vitality.

Deadheading Floribunda roses, including the Preference variety, is generally recommended to encourage continuous blooming and maintain the overall appearance of the plant. Here are some reasons why deadheading is beneficial:

Promotes Continuous Blooming: Removing spent flowers encourages the plant to produce new blooms. This can extend the flowering period of Floribunda roses, providing color and beauty in the garden for a longer duration.

Enhances Aesthetic Appeal: Deadheading helps maintain the neat and tidy appearance of Floribunda rose bushes. By removing faded flowers, you can keep the plant looking fresh and attractive throughout the growing season.

Prevents Seed Production: Allowing spent flowers to remain on the plant can divert energy into seed production rather than new growth and flowering. Deadheading redirects this energy back into the plant, promoting overall vigor and health.

Reduces Disease Risk: Removing spent flowers promptly can help reduce the risk of disease spread, as fungal pathogens and pests are less likely to proliferate on decaying plant material.

To deadhead Floribunda roses, simply snip off the faded blooms just above a leaf node or set of leaflets using clean and sharp pruning shears. Be sure to make clean cuts to minimize damage to the stems and encourage healthy regrowth. Deadheading should be performed regularly throughout the blooming season to maximize the plant's flowering potential.

Floribunda roses, including the Preference variety, are generally considered to be moderate maintenance plants. Here are some factors to consider:

Blooming: Floribunda roses produce abundant clusters of blooms throughout the growing season, offering a profusion of color in the garden. Deadheading spent flowers regularly can encourage continuous blooming.

Pruning: Regular pruning is necessary to maintain the health and shape of Floribunda roses. This includes removing dead, damaged, or diseased branches, as well as shaping the bushes to promote airflow and sunlight penetration.

Watering: Adequate watering is essential, especially during hot and dry periods. While Floribunda roses prefer consistent moisture, it's important not to overwater, as this can lead to root rot. A regular watering schedule, with deep watering when necessary, is recommended.

Fertilizing: Providing proper nutrition is important for healthy growth and abundant blooms. Fertilize Floribunda roses in the spring with a balanced fertilizer formulated specifically for roses, and supplement with additional feedings throughout the growing season as needed.

Disease and Pest Control: Floribunda roses are susceptible to various diseases and pests, including black spot, powdery mildew, aphids, and Japanese beetles. Regular monitoring, proper sanitation, and proactive measures such as applying fungicides and insecticides can help prevent and manage these issues.

Winter Care: Proper winterization is crucial, especially in colder climates, to protect Floribunda roses from freezing temperatures and harsh weather conditions. This may include pruning, mulching, and providing additional insulation and protection.

While Floribunda roses do require some attention and care, they are generally considered to be rewarding plants that offer beautiful blooms and fragrance throughout the growing season. With proper maintenance, they can thrive and enhance the beauty of any garden or landscape.

Winterizing Floribunda roses, such as the Preference variety, is essential to ensure their survival during colder months. Here's how to do it:

Pruning: Trim back any dead, damaged, or diseased branches before winter sets in. Also, prune the rose bushes to reduce their size and encourage new growth in the spring.

Mulching: Apply a layer of mulch around the base of the rose bushes to insulate the soil and protect the roots from freezing temperatures. Use organic materials like wood chips, straw, or shredded leaves and apply a layer about 2-3 inches thick.

Watering: Hydrate the rose bushes thoroughly before the first frost. This helps prevent dehydration during the winter months. However, be cautious not to overwater, as waterlogged soil can lead to root rot.

Hilling: In colder regions, consider hilling soil around the base of the rose bushes to provide additional insulation and protection from freezing temperatures. Mound soil around the lower stems to a height of about 8-12 inches.

Protection: If your area experiences extremely harsh winters, consider providing extra protection for your Floribunda roses. You can use rose cones or construct frames covered with burlap to shield the bushes from wind and snow.

Pest Control: Inspect the rose bushes for any signs of pests or diseases before winterizing. Treat any infestations accordingly to prevent them from causing further damage during the dormant season.

By following these winterization steps, you can help your Floribunda roses, such as the Preference variety, survive the winter months and ensure they thrive when spring arrives.

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We have perfected packaging and shipping plants & trees! That is why we DO NOT use any third-party fulfillment like most other online retailers. Your trees go straight from our farm to your door, safely packaged by our team of seasoned professionals. Our process ensures your plants leave our facility and arrive to your door in the best condition possible!