Simply Trees

Golden Madonna

Ships 1-3 days*

Bright indirect sunOnce a weekSuper easyNot pet friendly
  • Luxurious Golden Accents: The Golden Madonna features lush green leaves with stunning golden highlights, adding an element of opulence to your indoor decor.
  • Effortless Elegance: With its easy-care nature and adaptability, this plant effortlessly elevates your space's ambiance without demanding extensive maintenance.
  • Versatile Decor Piece: The Aglaonema Golden Madonna's moderate size and striking appearance make it a versatile choice for various indoor settings, from living rooms to offices.
  • *Pot pictured is not included



XS, 1 ft or 4 to 6 inch pot
Small, 2 to 3 ft or 6 inch pot
Medium, 3 to 4 ft or 8 to 10 inch pot
Large, 4 to 6 ft or 8 to 10 inch pot
XL, 6 to 7 ft or 10 to 12 inch pot

Please Note: Sizing can differ between plant varieties. Please chat with us if you need clarification.

More Details

Introducing the Aglaonema Golden Madonna, commonly known as the Chinese Evergreen 'Golden Madonna', a botanical masterpiece that effortlessly enhances your indoor oasis. This elegant houseplant features lush, green leaves adorned with brilliant golden accents, adding a touch of luxury to your home decor. Its adaptability and low-maintenance nature make it an ideal choice for both beginners and seasoned plant enthusiasts. The Aglaonema Golden Madonna boasts a moderate growth rate, reaching a mature height of 1-3 feet, making it a versatile addition to various indoor spaces.

Growth rate: Moderate growth rate; reaching a mature height of 1-3 feet, with a width of 1-2 feet.

Water the Golden Madonna when the top inch of soil feels dry. Ensure proper drainage to prevent overwatering and maintain slightly moist but not soggy soil.

Provide your Golden Madonna with bright, indirect light to maintain its vibrant foliage. It can tolerate lower light conditions but will thrive with a bit more brightness.

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In cases of extreme cold or hot weather, we may temporarily delay shipping to ensure the well-being of your plants. Our primary focus is on delivering healthy and thriving plants to you. Rest assured, we'll make every effort to notify you of any delays promptly.

Please allow additional ship times during inclement weather and sale periods. We do not process or ship orders on the weekend or U.S. Holidays. Simply Trees is not responsible for delays due to carriers, local disruptions, or weather.

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We have perfected packaging and shipping plants & trees! That is why we DO NOT use any third-party fulfillment like most other online retailers. Your trees go straight from our farm to your door, safely packaged by our team of seasoned professionals. Our process ensures your plants leave our facility and arrive to your door in the best condition possible!

Frequently Asked Questions

Aglaonema Golden Madonna is a relatively compact and small variety of Aglaonema. Here are some general expectations regarding its size:

Height: Typically, an Aglaonema Golden Madonna plant can reach a height of around 12 to 18 inches when grown as a houseplant. It may grow slightly taller in optimal conditions, but it generally remains compact.

Spread: The spread or width of the plant can range from 12 to 24 inches, with mature specimens having a bushy and compact growth habit.

These dimensions make Aglaonema Golden Madonna well-suited for smaller indoor spaces or as a tabletop or desktop plant. It's a popular choice for those looking to add a touch of vibrant foliage to their home or office while maintaining a manageable size. Keep in mind that individual plant size can vary based on care and growing conditions.

Aglaonema Golden Madonna, like other Aglaonema varieties, is not known for rapid growth. Its growth rate is generally slow to moderate. Here's a breakdown of its growth rate:

Growth Rate: Aglaonema Golden Madonna is a relatively slow-growing plant. It typically grows at a rate of a few inches (2-4 inches) per year when provided with optimal growing conditions.

Time to Reach Maturity: The time it takes for Aglaonema Golden Madonna to reach its mature size can vary. However, it may take several years, typically 3 to 5 years or more, to reach its full height and width under ideal conditions.

Aglaonemas, including Golden Madonna, are appreciated for their striking foliage and adaptability to indoor environments rather than their growth speed. With proper care and patience, you can enjoy a healthy and attractive Aglaonema Golden Madonna that maintains its vibrant appearance over time.

Aglaonema, including the Aglaonema Golden Madonna, generally do not require very large pots. They are relatively slow-growing plants and have shallow root systems compared to some other houseplants. Here are some considerations for pot size when growing Aglaonema:

Proportional Size: Choose a pot that provides a proportional balance to the size of the plant. A pot that is slightly larger than the current root ball is suitable for allowing the plant room to grow without excessively large or heavy containers.

Diameter: Typically, a pot with a diameter that is 1 to 2 inches (2.5 to 5 cm) larger than the current pot is sufficient for most Aglaonema plants.

Drainage: Ensure that the chosen pot has drainage holes at the bottom to prevent waterlogged soil, which can lead to root rot.

Potting Mix: Use a well-draining potting mix specifically formulated for houseplants to promote healthy root growth.

Repotting: Aglaonema plants may benefit from repotting every 2 to 3 years or when they become root-bound, meaning the roots outgrow the current pot. When repotting, you can move the plant to a slightly larger container if needed.

Remember that while Aglaonemas do not require large pots, they do appreciate regular repotting and refreshing of their potting mix to maintain optimal growth conditions. Overly large pots can lead to excessive moisture retention in the soil, which may not be beneficial for the plant.

The frequency of watering your Aglaonema, including Aglaonema Golden Madonna, depends on various factors such as the environmental conditions, the size of the pot, and the type of soil it's planted in. To determine when to water your Aglaonema, consider the following guidelines:

Check the Soil Moisture: Before watering, check the moisture level of the soil. Insert your finger about an inch into the soil. If it feels dry at this depth, it's time to water.

Water Thoroughly: When you water, water the plant thoroughly until you see water draining from the bottom of the pot. This ensures that the entire root ball is adequately moistened.

Drainage: Ensure that the pot has proper drainage holes to allow excess water to escape. Never let the plant sit in standing water, as this can lead to root rot.

Seasonal Adjustments: Adjust your watering frequency based on the season and environmental conditions. Aglaonemas typically require more water during the growing season (spring and summer) and less in the dormant or low-light periods (fall and winter).

Humidity: Aglaonemas appreciate higher humidity levels. In drier indoor environments, you may need to water more frequently or use humidity-enhancing methods like misting or placing a humidifier nearby.

Pot Size: Smaller pots tend to dry out faster than larger ones. Consider the size of the pot and the root system when determining your watering schedule.

Observation: Pay attention to the plant's cues. If you notice the lower leaves drooping or becoming slightly wrinkled, it may be a sign that the plant needs water.

Avoid Overwatering: Overwatering can lead to root rot and other problems. Always err on the side of slightly underwatering rather than overwatering. Let the top inch or so of soil dry out before watering again.

It's important to note that specific watering needs can vary from one environment to another, so it's best to use the above guidelines as a starting point and adjust based on your plant's individual requirements. Regularly checking the soil moisture and responding to your Aglaonema's needs will help you maintain a healthy and thriving plant.

Yes, Aglaonema plants, including Aglaonema Golden Madonna, can produce flowers under certain conditions. However, it's important to note that Aglaonemas are primarily grown for their attractive foliage, and their flowers are relatively inconspicuous and not a significant ornamental feature. Here's what you should know about Aglaonema flowers:

Infrequent Flowering: Aglaonema flowers are not commonly seen when the plants are grown as indoor houseplants. They are more likely to bloom when grown outdoors in their natural habitat or in tropical regions.

Appearance: Aglaonema flowers are small and typically appear as spikelike structures. They are usually white or greenish-white in color and lack showy petals. The flowers are often hidden among the leaves.

Conditions for Flowering: To encourage flowering in Aglaonema, they require specific conditions, including bright, indirect light, warm temperatures, and higher humidity levels. These conditions are often challenging to replicate indoors.

Focus on Foliage: Most people grow Aglaonemas for their lush, colorful foliage rather than for their flowers. These plants are known for their striking and diverse leaf patterns and colors, making them popular choices for interior decoration.

If your Aglaonema produces flowers, it's a natural occurrence, but it's not the primary reason these plants are cultivated. Enjoy the beauty of the plant's leaves, and if it happens to bloom, consider it an interesting bonus rather than the main attraction.

Overwatering Aglaonema (such as Aglaonema Golden Madonna) can lead to various problems, including root rot and yellowing leaves. Here are some signs that can help you determine if you are overwatering your Aglaonema:

Yellowing Leaves: One of the most common signs of overwatering is yellowing leaves. The lower leaves, in particular, may turn yellow and start to droop as a result of excess moisture and reduced oxygen uptake by the roots.

Wilting or Drooping: Paradoxically, overwatering can cause the plant to wilt or droop. This is because waterlogged soil can suffocate the roots, making it difficult for them to absorb water and nutrients, leading to wilting.

Soggy Soil: When you stick your finger into the soil, it feels consistently wet or soggy, even days after watering. Aglaonemas prefer the soil to dry out slightly between waterings.

Fungus Gnats: Overwatered soil is often a breeding ground for fungus gnats, tiny flying insects that thrive in moist conditions. If you notice these pests around your plant, it may be a sign of overwatering.

Mold or Mildew: Excessive moisture can promote the growth of mold or mildew on the surface of the soil or the plant's pot. These fungal growths are indicators of overly wet conditions.

Leaf Drop: In severe cases of overwatering, the plant may shed its leaves as the roots become compromised by rot. This is a sign of significant stress and damage.

To prevent overwatering your Aglaonema, follow these guidelines:
- Water the plant when the top inch or so of the soil feels dry to the touch.
- Ensure proper drainage in the pot to allow excess water to escape.
- Use a well-draining potting mix designed for houseplants.
- Empty the saucer under the pot after watering to prevent the plant from sitting in standing water.

Adjust your watering frequency based on seasonal changes in temperature and humidity.
If you suspect that your Aglaonema has been overwatered and the roots are affected, you may need to take corrective action, such as repotting the plant in fresh, well-draining soil and trimming away any damaged roots.

A drooping Aglaonema (such as Aglaonema Golden Madonna) can be a sign of various issues with its care. Here are some common reasons why an Aglaonema may exhibit drooping or wilting:

Watering Issues:

Underwatering: One of the most common reasons for drooping Aglaonema leaves is underwatering. When the soil becomes extremely dry, the plant may wilt as a response to water stress. Make sure to water the plant when the top inch or so of the soil feels dry, but do not let it dry out completely.

Overwatering: On the other hand, overwatering can also lead to drooping leaves. Aglaonemas are susceptible to root rot if their roots are consistently waterlogged. Ensure proper drainage in the pot, and allow excess water to drain away.

Light Stress:
Exposure to Direct Sunlight: Aglaonemas are best suited for indirect, moderate light conditions. Exposure to direct sunlight can cause stress and lead to drooping leaves. Move the plant to a location with filtered or indirect light.

Temperature Fluctuations: Aglaonemas prefer stable temperatures and can react negatively to sudden temperature changes. Avoid placing the plant near drafts or extreme temperature variations.

Low Humidity: Aglaonemas prefer higher humidity levels. In dry indoor environments, particularly during the winter months when indoor heating reduces humidity, the leaves may droop. Increasing humidity through methods like using a room humidifier or placing a tray of water and pebbles nearby can help.

Nutrient Deficiency: Inadequate nutrient levels can affect the plant's overall health and lead to drooping leaves. Ensure you are following a proper fertilization schedule with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer.

Root Issues: Check the plant's roots for signs of rot or other issues. Healthy roots are essential for the plant's ability to take up water and nutrients. If you suspect root problems, repotting may be necessary.

Pests or Disease: Inspect the plant for signs of pests (e.g., spider mites, mealybugs) or diseases (e.g., fungal infections). Treat any infestations or infections promptly.

To address the issue of drooping leaves, assess the care routine and make adjustments as needed. Trim any severely affected leaves to improve the plant's appearance. Providing the right balance of water, light, humidity, and nutrients can help your Aglaonema recover and thrive.

Yellowing leaves on an Aglaonema, like Aglaonema Golden Madonna, can indicate various issues with its care. Here are some common reasons why Aglaonema leaves may turn yellow:

Overwatering: Aglaonemas are susceptible to root rot if they are consistently overwatered. Yellowing leaves, especially lower ones, can be a sign of root suffocation due to excess moisture. Ensure the pot has proper drainage and allow the top inch or so of the soil to dry out between waterings.

Underwatering: Conversely, underwatering can also cause leaves to turn yellow. If the soil becomes extremely dry and the plant is deprived of water for too long, the lower leaves may start to yellow and droop.

Poor Drainage: Inadequate drainage in the pot can lead to waterlogged soil, which can cause root rot and yellowing leaves. Repot the plant if necessary to improve drainage.

Low Humidity: Aglaonemas prefer higher humidity levels. In dry indoor environments, particularly during the winter months when indoor heating reduces humidity, the leaves may yellow. Using a room humidifier or placing a tray of water and pebbles near the plant can help increase humidity.

Fertilizer Issues: Excessive or incorrect fertilization can lead to nutrient imbalances, which can manifest as yellowing leaves. Follow the recommended fertilizing schedule and dilution instructions for your Aglaonema.

Old Age: Older leaves naturally yellow and die off as new growth emerges from the center of the plant. This is a normal part of the plant's growth cycle, and occasional yellowing of older leaves is not a cause for concern.

Pests or Disease: Check the plant for signs of pests (e.g., spider mites or mealybugs) or disease (e.g., fungal infections). Treat any infestations or infections promptly.

Light Stress: Excessive exposure to direct sunlight or very low light levels can stress the plant and lead to yellowing leaves. Ensure your Aglaonema receives moderate, indirect light.

To address yellowing leaves on your Aglaonema, assess the plant's care routine and make the necessary adjustments. Trim any severely affected yellow leaves to improve the plant's appearance. Providing the right balance of water, light, humidity, and nutrients can help prevent further yellowing and maintain a healthy Aglaonema.

Brown leaf tips or edges on an Aglaonema (such as Aglaonema Golden Madonna) can be caused by various factors. Here are some common reasons why Aglaonema leaves may turn brown:

Improper Watering: Overwatering or underwatering can stress the plant and lead to brown leaf tips. Ensure that you water the plant appropriately, allowing the top inch or so of the soil to dry out before watering again. Make sure the pot has proper drainage.

Low Humidity: Aglaonemas prefer higher humidity levels. In dry indoor environments, especially during the winter months when indoor heating can reduce humidity, the plant's leaves can develop brown tips. Using a room humidifier or placing a tray of water and pebbles near the plant can help increase humidity.

Fertilizer Issues: Excessive fertilizer or using a fertilizer that's too strong can cause leaf burn and browning. Follow the recommended fertilizing schedule and dilution instructions for your specific Aglaonema variety.

Drought Stress: If the plant experiences extended periods of dryness, the leaf tips may turn brown. Be consistent with your watering routine, especially during the growing season.

Water Quality: Poor water quality, such as water with high mineral content or chlorine, can lead to leaf tip burn. Use filtered or distilled water or let tap water sit for a day to allow chlorine to dissipate before using it.

Inadequate Light: Aglaonemas can tolerate lower light conditions, but if they receive too little light, it can affect their overall health and lead to brown tips. Ensure the plant is getting moderate, indirect light for optimal growth.

Pests or Disease: Check the plant for signs of pests like spider mites or mealybugs, as well as any fungal or bacterial issues. Treat any infestations or diseases promptly.

Old Age: Sometimes, as Aglaonema leaves age, they naturally develop brown tips. Pruning these older leaves can help maintain the plant's appearance.

To address brown leaf tips on your Aglaonema, identify the specific cause and make the necessary adjustments to care. Trim any severely affected brown tips with clean and sharp scissors or pruning shears to improve the plant's appearance. With proper care and attention to the plant's needs, you can help prevent further browning of the leaves.

The genus name "Aglaonema" is typically pronounced as "ag-luh-NEE-muh."

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